What A Difference A Day Makes!

The Lord speaks to me all the time. It is not unusual for us to talk and commune throughout the day. Sure, most of the time, it’s me expressing my opinion on how I think things should be in my life and how fast I think that He should be doing it (lol, but it’s still communion with Him. I am thankful that He is always so patient and kind to me, listening to my heart, and at times, my folly. To be honest with you I think my heavenly Father has a sense of humor. I really think He looks down on me some days and just cracks up, and I am sure that I give Him plenty to laugh at.

In December of last year the Lord spoke a word to me during a worship service at my church. I heard Him say, “You are my battle-axe!” (Jeremiah 51:20). Then He showed me a vision of a large well-built warrior wielding a huge axe, cutting down, what looked like tall, brown, dried grass or reeds. This was such a heavy word and I did not take it lightly. I did not share it with anyone at first, because I was seeking the Lord to see if this was a word for me, for the body, or both. I do this with any and every word of the Lord that I hear. Proper direction, timing, and appropriation of the Word of the Lord are key factors to seeing the word fulfilled in our lives. It’s vital that we seek Him for further instructions after receiving any Word from the Lord.

The more I meditated on the battle-axe the more I wanted insight. I did some research on the internet and found a absolutely wonderful article that really spoke to my heart and brought clarity (click here to read). I did not want to go by interpretation alone, so I decided to call on some ministry friends. I sent out an email to my prophet friends to see if I could get a consensus on the scripture and the vision I had seen. I receive various responses, most of which, confirmed what the Lord had been speaking to my heart.

In essence, I knew that it was going to be a year of warfare and victory, in that order. I knew that the Father was positioning me to be one that goes to battle with the enemy: battle over souls, battle over fear, battle over hurts, battle for territory, both literal and spiritual. I knew that every battle, although victory was eminent, was going to be intense.
Please understand that I don’t normally share words that the Lord speaks to me: Only to a select few who really know my heart, but for some reason, I felt led to share this today. When God speaks a word to us we don’t always know the full ramifications of that Word. Many times we don’t even feel like that Word is being fulfilled in our lives. I was having one of those days on yesterday: asking the Lord, “What’s up?!” I surely, didn’t feel like a battle-axe yesterday, maybe a used piece of wood, but no battle-axe.

When I awoke this morning I was amazed at the different a day makes, especially in our spirits.The word is true when it says that we have new mercies every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). I felt like I was ready to take on the enemies of the kingdom single handedly (not really, but you get my point). We are truly, silly, stupid sheep at times (no offense). One day we are under the dirt of the earth in defeat and the next we are on the mountain top banging our chest saying, “Bring it on!” Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I am the only one that have flip flop days at times. On days like yesterday, when I thought about a Word about being a Battle-Axe, I had to laugh out loud (LOL)!!! I thought to myself, “Father, you sure do know how to pick’em.” I’m laughing today, because that was yesterday (praise God!). 

The truth of the matter is that the Word of God is consistent and true in our lives, not because of us, but because HE SAID IT. The heavens and earth are still in existence today because of a Word HE spoke over four thousand years ago. You’re breathing air now because of a Word HE spoke before man existed. Take a minute and read Genesis chapter one and selah the marvelous works of our God. Then, I want you to tell me why? Why do we fret? Why do we worry? WHY?

If His Word is still standing today, then you better know that any word that He has spoken in your life is yet ALIVE. I’m preaching to myself if not to anybody else. If He says that I’m a battle-axe, then whether I feel like it at the moment or not,  has nothing to do with it being true, and it being yet alive and working in my life. My existence, my function, my gifts are not governed by tangible circumstances – money, status, position or the lack thereof (Hallelujah!). ALL that I am is governed by my supernatural eternal relationship with my heavenly Father and the word that HE has spoken.

Tomorrow you may feel like I felt yesterday: tired, discouraged and feeling powerless. You may even feel that way even now, but I want to encourage your heart. I want you to keep these two things in mind today and in the days ahead. First, know that “weeping may endure for a night, but JOY cometh in the morning” (Psalms 30:5). And second, know that the Word of God, whether spoken or written, is ALIVE and that it will accomplish ALL that the Father set it out to accomplish.

“For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:10-11)

Be encouraged and know that you will see the fulfillment of His promises in your life: Having done all to stand, stand therefore (Ephesians 6:13-14). Stand in agreement with your heavenly Father.

Today, I am choosing to stand in agreement with my Father: I am HIS Battle-Axe. I am taking back territory, souls, removing hurts, breaking the chains of bondage, for the sake of the kingdom of God.....not because I am all that, but rather, because HE IS. I am who HE says I am and His Word is being fulfilled in my life. Hallelujah!

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


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