The Warrior Is A Child

Over the years I've taken dozens of personality test. You know the ones that tell you if you're a high D, low C, average B (I'm being facetious). I personally think that every person should take one, at least once in their life. My husband and I were privileged to take one on last summer that was a developed from a Biblical perspective. It was a wonderful experience and really brought light to some common traits and trends in our lives ~ if you have never taken one (or even if you have), this one would be a good start. Check out the attached link. I know these people personally and I am sure you will be blessed by their ministry:7LifeLanguages Workshops. (And I just found out today, that there will be a Life Languages workshop this coming Saturday ~ look at God!!)

In all of the test that I've taken, the one thing that has always surfaced to the top is my ability to be a strong leader: organized, administrative, passionate, etc. Now add to that a leaning toward the prophetic and apostolic, and man that's a doosy of a mix. These are great traits to have, but they can be much (lol): not always rubbing people the right way. It seems, at times, that I am always apologizing to someone for being too straight or harsh. The Holy Spirit, my Paraclete, is always right there checking me, saying, "Right song, wrong melody." My poor husband and family suffers the brunt of it all...praise God for mercy and Grace. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not ragging on my personality: it's not all bad (lol). The same passion that is god-given to lead, also goes very deep: giving me a love for God and His people that's hard to shake. This deep love is sometimes reflected in correction, protection, and confrontation. And at times it even causes me to feel the pain and anguish of others, compelling me to aggressively confront the enemies of God on their behalf. 

The Lord has confirmed His heart for my life many times: often showing me myself in the Word of God. Giving me scriptures or pointing to Bible characters that show similar personality traits. At one time or another He has told me that I was like Apostle Paul, John the Baptist, Huldah, Esther, and a few others. And just recently He has been calling me a Battle-Axe (Jeremiah 51:20). 

Don't misunderstand. I am not saying that I have the exact personality traits as these Bible saints. I believe that the Father pointed to these men and women of God to show how I function in the earth. There are times when I have to establish, uproot, correct and speak truth like Apostle Paul. There are times when I have to warn, expose, and compel others (even myself) to repentance like John the Baptist. The are times when the Lord requires me to ready with a Word of the Lord, as Huldah was for King Josiah. And there are times that I have to walk in the beauty and favor of the Lord, using strategy and wisdom to overcome the enemy, as Esther did to save her nation. And now, the Lord has paralleled my life with that of a Battle-Axe....and the warfare has been none stop.

I've learned to embrace these special traits, but to be honest with you, I have often wondered, "Lord, why did you make me this way? Why can't I be the little quiet wife next door, with the meek and mild spirit? Whyyyy, do I have to be the loud and pushy one, making my opinion known in one way or the other?" (LOL ~ Oh, how He loves me!!). I have to work over time to make sure that I am operating in the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), at ALL times. One slip and there can be serious damage. Yes! The Lord is working on a Sistah:teaching and reminding her everyday to submit those "traits" under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is the Real Me: A work in progress.

I don't always like having to be who I am called to be: sometimes I am like the Toys R Us kids - "I don't wanna grow up..." But over the years the Lord has broken my spirit (in a good way) and has revealed to me the secret of walking in my calling, in His power and authority. 

The secret is in the arms of the Father. Even Jesus himself, who had no doubt of who He was and what He was called to do in the earth, knew where to go find strength for journey. It was in the prayer, in the presence of the Father. Jesus understood this concept and often would spend time in prayer. I won't take the time or space to go into it, but when you have a chance, look up in a bible concordance how many times it is said that Jesus went up to pray, or Jesus went off to pray, or they found Him praying. You will be amazed. Like Jesus, I have learned to find comfort and peace in the presence of the Lord. It is in His presence that I can take off my armor. I love who I am and what He has called me to be, but what I love more, is HIM.  

This prophetic, apostolic, warrior type girl will take on the enemy any day, anytime, but know this.....I run to arms of my Father everyday. I await His embrace, His love, His tenderness and mercy. In His arms I am restored. In His arms I am comforted. It is His Love that compels me to once again.....embrace the "traits" that He has bestowed upon me. It is His Love that compels me to be strong and courageous yet another day. It is knowing that the Father's arms are open and outstretched to me, that gives me strength for the day. 

My prayer today is that you will embrace ALL that the Father has called you to be. I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring revelation and illumination of the Word so that you can see who you are in Christ Jesus. I pray that the Father will show you traits in Bible characters that are similar to yours and that you begin to nurture those traits through the Holy Spirit. And finally, I pray that when all is said and done that you will run to His outstretched arms and allow Him to love on you, as only He can.

This song speaks my heart more than words can say....I hope you find comfort in it as well: The Warrior is a Child

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


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