It's Just My Angel!

“For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee” (Luke 4:10)
I used to get speeding tickets all the time when I live in Detroit years ago. I lived in the actual city, near the new center area and I used to travel two to three times a week to Troy, Michigan for dance lessons. I would take I-75 by storm, driving from E. Grand Blvd in Detroit to Crooks Road in Troy: all in about twenty minutes. For those of you who are not from Detroit, this meant I was driving way over the speed limit (lol): Not good at all. When I look back in hindsight I am so grateful for the loving protection and faithfulness of the Lord. I was reckless and foolish and I KNOW there were angels watching over me. I am so thankful that the Father God doesn’t reward us according to our iniquities (Psalms 103), but rather He extends His grace and love toward us, even when we’re on the nut.

I don’t know if it was my young age, lack of skill, or both, but I was always getting pulled over by the police. I think I went to court at least four times for those darn tickets. And each time I received one I would repent bitterly to the Lord. After all, I knew I was wrong. I would then plead to the Lord to extend grace and mercy toward me, crying for favor with the judge and the officers. Fortunately for me the Father was always “faithful and just to forgive.”

Each time I went to court the judge would extend mercy toward me: mainly, because I had a good driving record (lol). The judge would not allowed the ticket to be put on my permanent record and would (so as not increase my car insurance) and would fine me whatever the law allowed. Each time I would leave the court house thankful and humbled by the Father’s grace.

Now you would have thought that each court house scare would get me, right? Oh, nooo!! I would go out and do it all over again: Not intentionally, but somehow finding myself in the same predicament. I remember the last time I got a ticket. I was, once again, heading back home from dance lessons in Troy. This time, although I repented, I didn’t ask God for mercy. I was going to take my punishment. I knew better and I thought that I should suffer the consequences of my actions. Praise God that He doesn’t listen to our stupid logic. The Father decided to extend what I call, extreme mercy, toward the one ticket that I desired to be punished for. The extent of the favor and grace that the Father gave concerning this ticket broke something in my spirit (that’s a good thing).

I will not share the details today (it’s just too long), but it’s a wonderful testimony of God’s unconditional love. Basically, the State trooper who issued the ticket showed up to court, on his day off, argued my case, in my favor. He found a clause in the law about having a good driving record, which I knew wasn’t true, but my record showed me being clean. By the way, that’s how the blood of Jesus cleanses us. It washes our slates clean, everyday. The Father only sees the purity of His son, for those who are under the blood of Jesus. It doesn’t matter what we’ve done in the past, all have been washed clean. Hallelujah! The State trooper exchanged a bunch of legal jargon with the Judge and somehow was able to get the ticket, that HE issued, dismissed altogether.

I stood in that courtroom amazed and humbled at God’s faithfulness and love for me. It made me want to get it together. I never wanted to end up in court again for speeding tickets, and I haven’t since that day. The Word of God is true when it says, “…the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” (Romans 2:3).

I repented to the Lord for my lack of self control (which is a fruit of the spirit) and for my disobedience to Him. I really wanted to change and cried out to the Lord to help in that area. And the Lord answered, of course. In addition to listening and responding to the Holy Spirit and being more aware of my surroundings, the Lord sent angels to watch over me. Angels that would bring me into remembrance of the Fruit of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, and temperance (self-control”) – Galatians 5:22-23.

I would be driving down the road and an angel would pull in front me and drive 50 mph for twenty miles (LOL). I would have a fit, fussing and trying to figure out how to get around them, but to no avail. It was a set-up, of course. This happened repeatedly for several weeks, until one day I realized that it was the Father’s way of looking out for me. From then on, instead of getting upset I began to thank the Lord for loving me so much to send His angels to keep me on track. To this day, whenever someone gets in front of me, that make me have to slow down, I say to myself, “It’s just my angel.”

Over the years I have come to appreciate my angels and I began to recognize them, not just when I was driving. I recognized them when I was standing in line at the store, or trying to get that special parking spot, or even when I am waiting in the drive-thru line at the bank. The Lord would send angels to get in front of me or to wait on me that were challenging to my flesh. These angels were sent to help me with patience, kindness, longsuffering and temperance. I have come to know that there are angels all around, sent to, not only protect me, but to help you and me grow.

We serve a loving God who is willing to do whatever it takes to help us walk worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus. So the next time you’re being challenged to slow down, be patience, operate in self-control, extend some mercy..…know that you’ve probably are dealing with an angel sent to sharpen you and keep you on track.

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


  1. Dorothy you've been following me!!! The last couple of weeks of driving have been beyond frustrating. Just to mention 1 incident, a semi was blaring his horn & slamming the brakes as I came onto the Bishop Ford @ 115th last Friday night. My eyes were fixed on his lights coming closer in my rear view mirror. I was too scared to check to my left to see if the lane was open. The car in front of me had already swerved to the shoulder. When an eternity had passed & he slowed in time to drop back farther, I moved to the open center lane. In fact the center & far left lane were both wide open. There were 5 cars tagging behind a 6th car doing 30 in the entry lane to the expressway makingt the merge difficult. And of course the driver leading the pack was nonchalant and smiling as I passed him totally unaware of the threatened pile up following him. I was livid. Instead I should have been grateful for "all night, all day, angels watching over me my Lord." I'll probably be challenged to see that sweet old lady that did 30 at the corner to turn in front of me and slow down to 15 as an angel but this word you've shared has opened a new viewing window for me. Thank God for angels and angels like you! :-)



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