Ascending With Him!

"The HEAVENS declare the GLORY of GOD; and the firmament shows 
and proclaims His handiwork." Psalms 19:1
I absolutely LOVE to fly. From the take off to the landing, I just love it. And I love sitting over the wing. Don’t have a full reason why, I just like it for some reason. I like to watch all of the different flaps and gears being adjusted on the wing as the pilot prepares the aircraft for takeoff (call me weird –lol). I also like to sit at the window seat and look at the sky, just over the tip of the wing.
I love the feeling of being taken off the ground during take-off. As the plane ascends into the air, it’s as if, the weight of the world drops off of it, and off of me too. It’s like I am suspended in the heavens with the angels.  Of course, I’m still surrounded by 10 tons of steel (lol), but you get what I’m saying. The higher the pilot goes the clearer the sky and the more pronounced is the sun.
One of the most beautiful things about the ascending is the ability to soar above any storms and clouds that are sometimes brooding over cities. What a beautiful sight. It’s nothing like looking out of the window and seeing a sea of storms clouds, yet your face is warmed by the sun because of your position above it. Isn't that how the Father promises to do for us in life. He causes us to sour above all that concerns us, if we would but put our trust in Him. Looking down on the storms clouds reminds of the line in the song, Still, when it says, “When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you above the storm, Father you are King over the flood. I will be still, know you are God.” And sometimes we need to do just that: SOAR, BE STILL and KNOW.
Oh, if only we would ascend with Him in the spirit. How do we do that?: Through prayer, praise and worship.  As we spend time in worship before Him it takes us out of the soulish realm. It gets us off the ground. As we continue to worship, we begin to ascend, until when up in the spiritual heavens with Him, far above the clouds and storms of life. And let me tell, it’s a different perspective from up there. The Son is ALWAYS shining above the clouds: ALWAYS.  And when we spend time in worship and ascend with Him we are reminded that He IS King over the flood. There is no storm of life that cannot be overcome. Hallelujah!
If I could live in the sky I probably would (lol). Of course, I can’t naturally do that, but there is nothing keeping from living in the sky spiritual. It’s my (your) choice everyday on whether or not I choose to ascend with Him. On whether or not I choose to soar with Him: above my circumstances, my issues, my hurts, my pains, my disappointments. It’s a choice everyday to step into that place of worship, prayer, and praise.  As I said, I LOVE to fly….naturally and spiritually. Whether you have ever taken a flight or not, you can choose to fly with the Father today. May you ascend high into the spiritual heavens as you spend time before Him!!!
My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


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