You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings.
Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, the wind beneath my wings.
You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings.
Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.
Fly, fly, fly high against the sky,
so high I almost touch the sky.
Thank you, thank you,
thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.  
(partial lyrics from Hero by Bette Midler)

When I was in Indianapolis I didn’t get much sleep. Between traveling late, getting up early, extremely long days and the Father waking me up to talk, sleep was not happening. It was all good, however. The Father was giving me some serious downloads while I was away, so the lack of sleep was definitely worth it.

As I have mentioned before the Father speaks to me quite often through visions, kind of like dreams, except that I am usually wide awake. One of the visions that He showed me that weekend in Indianapolis was of me standing on a cliff very high up on a mountain top. I probably shared this already, but bear with me for the sake of where I’m going with it today. I was walking back and forth on the edge of the cliff, teeter-tottering every now and then, almost falling off into the open space below. I was at peace, even happy it seemed, feeling free as I played along the edge of the cliff. There was no fear, didn’t seem to be scared at all. As a matter of fact, it was as if I was waiting for the Lord to give the word that I could free fall into the open space. I wanted Him to just tip me on over. I was ready….”I am read”….ready to fly.

I think the Holy Spirit was standing next to me waiting for me to wake up this morning (lol), because as soon as I awoke I heard Him began to sing to me the lyrics from the song Hero. “You (the Lord) are the wind beneath my wings. Fly, Fly away” is what I heard Him say. Hero is one of my favorite secular songs. Bette Midler can really sings the song so well. I cry every time I hear it. I think it has such a message of unselfishness and honor to those who inspire us. I have several people in my life that fit that description, but today I only want to speak about the One, who not only undergirds me with the wind of His spirit, but He also give me the wings necessary to fly: My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

When I heard the Holy Spirit singing over me it took me back to that vision of being on the cliff. If was as if the Lord was showing me that I had been tipped over that cliff. I was now free falling into the open space, and that all I needed to do was spread my wings. It was as if the Lord was saying to me, and I do believe He is, that it’s time to fly and that HE would be the wind beneath my wings. I can’t tell you how I feel right now. Tears of joy are flowing at the faithfulness of the Father. It’s hard to explain how big this is to me, but know this….what the Lord showed me in the spirit two weeks ago coupled with what the Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning is a prophetic vision of what just happened yesterday in my natural life.

Yesterday I received confirmation that I would be a part of a major Christian dance production opportunity. This production will require me to travel throughout the United States for training and then finally ministering (performing) the production in other nations. This is an opportunity that I would have never dreamed of, especially at my age. Yet, I know it’s the timing of God. The producer said to me when asking me to be a part, that He could see that “it was time for me to go the nations.” He went on to say that he could see that I was called to the nations, but had been waiting and waiting. He was right. The Lord had spoken many words over my life, years ago, about me being called to the nations. At one point I had just given up on that word, thinking that I had misinterpreted it. I thought maybe it meant my offspring would go to the nations, because all but one of them, have been to foreign nations at least twice. However, I must admit in the last year the Holy Spirit had been stirring me once again: stirring a longing to go to the nations. I embraced this stirring, taking on the attitude of Mary, “Be it unto me Lord,” not having any idea what the Father had planned.

Although my heart had been crying out these last few years over promises that the Father spoke to my husband and I many years ago I was still trusting that He knew what was best for us. You see, the Master Gardener, our Father pruned us back, to the point of almost looking desolate and unusable (not true of course, just seemed that way). Why all the pruning? The same reason every gardener prunes, because He wanted us to bear more fruit.

Often times I had questioned the Lord, not on His faithfulness to fulfill His promises, that’s a given, but rather on when the pruning process would be over. “When God, when” is what I kept saying. Yet, at the same time, I knew deep down in my spirit that He had all things in His control and that He had great plans for Albert and me. And I knew that He had NOT forgotten His promises concerning us. As a matter of fact, these last few weeks have been the beginning of the manifestation of some of those promises. Hallelujah!

When the Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning about being the wind beneath my wings I knew what that meant. It meant that the Lord had indeed tipped me over the edge. It meant that I was indeed free falling into His promises (scary and exciting all at the same time). I won’t pretend that know what all of that looks like in the natural, cause you know I’m flying in faith, but what I do know is that HE is the wind beneath my wings and I hear Him saying to me, "FLY!"

I just love the Lord. And each day, every morning it seems, I get a glimpse of how much He really loves me. I pray that you will know how much He loves YOU today. I pray that you will see and experience Him in the small things. I pray that you will know that His thoughts toward you are good to give you an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11). And more than anything, I pray that He will be the wind beneath your wings today and always.

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


  1. Wow... I told Alisha about the point in my life when the Lord told me that Alisha was "the one." I was overwhelmed with such joy, happiness, and such a great love for the Lord. Not to say that I didn't love Him before that point but the Lord provides us with experiences that remind us that He's not going anywhere; He's always going to be there by our side... The Lord does amazing things, especially to those who are patient with his plans. Congratulations Mrs. Caldwell! All your patience was rewarded with an experience of a lifetime. If something like that doesn't show you that He's by your side, I don't know what will! lol


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