Consistency of Character

Dr. Jack Hayford was the special guest at the opening celebration of my church’s twentieth anniversary. My pastor has been hyped for weeks about Dr. Jack Hayford coming to speak. Dr. Hayford is a pioneer in the gospel and brings with him over fifty years of knowledge and wisdom, seasoned by the presence of the Holy Spirit. I’ll be honest with you, I wasn’t as excited as my pastor was about Dr. Hayford’s visit: not because I had any ill feelings toward Dr. Hayford, but more so, because he is a little bit before my time (lol). I should be noted, however, that I know that this man of God has made a significant impact on my life through the teachings of my pastor and spiritual Father of fourteen years, Charles L. Middleton. His teaching, along with Pastor Middleton’s, helped form a solid foundation in me that is still evident in my life today.
I was so blessed by the spoken word of Dr. Hayford on yesterday. Each service built on top of the next, all rightly fitting together, and made for an overall powerful word from the Lord. There were many things that were said that seem to hit me right in the heart but one particular statement stuck with me. Dr. Hayford described the fruits of the anointing. He went on to say how people are able to recognize this anointing through one of three ways: One, through the Demonstration of the Holy Spirit with Power, seeing the healing, deliverance, and power of the spirit working through you;  Two, through the demonstration of Consistency of Character in the difficult times; and three, through the submission of your heart before God (allowing God to make a place for you rather than vying for yourself).These are three powerful manifestations of the anointing. I could instantly see God working all three of those demonstrations in my life, but for some reason that “Consistency of Character” just kept ringing in my spirit.
Even today, I can still hear those words in the back of my spirit. As many of you know, my family and I have not had the easiest time in life the last few years (not that the previous years lacked their share of problems). Yet, these have been some particularly trying years, not only trying to the things in the natural, but trying to spiritual things, a time of testing (the more difficult side for me). The Lord has been faithful, of course: being our constant provision and our advocate in the times of need and for that I am thankful. I will be honest with you, however. There are times when I am just plain weary. It’s in those times when I find my spirit challenged to walk out Ephesians 6, “…and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore…” And Galatians 6, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Consistency of Character rang in my spirit and then the Holy Spirit asked me a question. He said, “If life never changes for you, and you remain where you are indefinitely, can you, are you willing to live a life that is consistent (to His word and His way) toward Me?” It would seem that that would be an easy answer. And I could have easily said, “Yes, Lord”, but having walked with the Lord as long as I have I knew that it was more to this question than the obvious. I knew that the Father didn’t ask that question without a purpose. My girlfriend has a plaque in her kitchen that reads, “Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer.” Of course, God doesn’t need advice, but one thing I’m sure of is that He already knew the answer to the question he had just put before me. Then you have to ask, Why the question? I’ll tell you why…to reveal deep recesses of my heart (another spiritual test).
It seemed that time suspended forever, although it was only thirty-forty seconds, as I pondered and contemplated this question. I could hear my heart saying, “Whoa!!!! Wait a minute. What do you mean, if?” (LOL).   All of sudden “If” became the biggest word in the dictionary. I begin to think about where I was, what I had been through and was going through, what was before and what was to come. You see, I can’t be fake with the Father, not that I’m ever, but you can’t hide what’s in your heart. He is Omniscience: all knowing.  
Anybody can say they have faith when there is an expected END to their situation, but what if there is none? Think about that. What if your situation NEVER changes are you still able to stand, still able to say, “I trust Him?” Are you able to trust that He knows what’s best for you? Are we walking out Ephesians and having done all to stand, standing? You see, many times we think they are walking in faith in God, when in actuality we are not walking in faith IN him, but rather in the something that we want from Him. There is a difference.
The Father was, again, challenging my faith and revealing my heart (Ouch!). Was I walking in faith for better things? Was I walking in faith for change only? Was I walking in faith to see me set free from the heavy cares of this life? Or was I really putting my Faith in HIM, totally trusting Him to orchestrate my life whatsoever way He chooses? Was I walking in the same faith as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, who hearts were just sold out to Him, whether He came through for them or not? ...
"If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up." (Daniel 3:17-18)

Understand that your faith must live between Daniel 3:17 -18: He IS able, He WILL deliver, and But IF NOT. Your faith must be IN God, trusting that He can deliver, yet at the same time that same faith, if it’s truly IN Him, will not wane even if don’t deliver. We must be careful as believers to not allow our faith to be misdirected. You can have faith in self, wealth, people, circumstances, well-wishers (flatterers), jobs, friends, churches, and even pastors. Any faith that is not totally, fully, IN Jesus, and him alone, is misdirected faith.
Faith IN Him, although our first responsibility as believers, does not dictate God's actions? He is God and squares by no one but himself and He cannot be manipulated in any kind of way. Yet, our faith IN God moves His heart. It’s our faith IN Him that accounts towards us salvation, as it did with Abraham (Romans 4:1-5). Our faith and trust in Him speaks of our relationship with Jesus. And He, by HIS faithfulness, will manifest His promises, and even our desires, not based on our actions, but rather based upon His love for us.
I love what Dr. Hayford, a man with the gentle spirit of the Lord, said on Sunday evening. He said, “I believe in impartation. I believe in the laying on of hands. But it is up to the Father, after I have laid on of hands, to determine if and what is to be imparted and to what measure” (paraphrased): Such words of wisdom from the man of God. We hold no power in and of ourselves. Yet, as we act in faith, the power of God can be translated through us. To the natural mind it doesn’t make sense, but when you know the true realm in which we live it makes perfect sense.
So what was my answer to the Lord? Well, you know ….(lol). Of course I said to Him, “Yes, Lord!!! My heart is yours and as painful and uncomfortable as it would to my flesh I am willing to live this life as you dictate it before me – because I love you MORE.” I truly want to live like Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego, Esther, John the Baptist, and Paul. I want to live a life poured out for Him, not will all the bells and whistles that come from man’s success, but a life that HE has personally chosen and destined for me. I know that may mean that sometimes life will not be pretty to the natural eye, but if there is beauty in the spirit by my life of obedience to Him, and I know that HE is pleased, then I know I have fulfilled my purpose in the earth.
Purposing to be Consistent in Character in difficult times that I might PLEASE my Father and display His anointing.
My LOVE Song to Him! Dorothy C.


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