Today's blog is dedicated to Carol F. and my daughter, Christina ~ 
Praying that you will experience the unconditional love of Jesus. Know that He (Jesus) is aware of your circumstances.....You are not FORGOTTEN!!! Surely, you will see His hand move in all that concerns you in the days ahead. Much Love to YOU!!
The following was written over three years ago. The Father had been on me the last few days to pull it back up and post it. Of course, Mrs. Stubborn was making her usual argument of what she thought was better. I don't even know why I bother because He always wins (and I'm glad He does). When I finally obeyed and re-opened the article and read it, all I could do was laugh. It is a timely word for the hour: A timely word for me. Father does know best. I pray that these words of three years ago become a Rhema word to you today. May you find grace in all that is before you and trust HIM through the journey......
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord” Isaiah 55:8
“DRY CLEAN ONLY”, that’s what the label read. Yet, I had decided, even reasoned with myself that it would be alright. “Its cold water”, I told myself. “It‘ll be just fine“. I looked at the label again as I pulled my blouse out of the washing machine, shrunk to the size of a 2T (2 toddler). I wanted to cry. I did cry. Not because one of my favorite blouses were ruined, but because the Holy Spirit began to teach me a lesson. Stop trying to do things my way and trust the process that God has chosen for my life!
I must admit I’ve had this lesson before, but it seemed to really hit home as I stood in my laundry room at 5:00AM. There I was, standing there holding this shriveled up blouse in my hand: one that was once beautiful to behold and the object of many complements. I pulled and tugged at it, trying to stretch it to no avail. It was going to be that size forever. The more I pulled the more I realized how big of a mistake I had made. I wanted to take it back, but I couldn’t. The damage was done. The guilt of my foolish impatience began to eat at me. I walked up to my kitchen and the gentle teaching of the Holy Spirit was fast at work. 
My mind was flooded with the thoughts and events of the last evening. I had gotten into a small disagreement with my daughter. I was frustrated, upset and ready for her to make some changes in her life. In a lack of wisdom, I tried to “help” her make some changes right then, right now.  Again, I had decided, even reasoned with myself that I was right to “help”. Besides, I love her and I have her best interest at heart. She needs to change NOW and appreciate it later…so I thought. Of course, I felt these decisions would be best for her life. The whole thing ended badly.
 The Holy Spirit helped me to see that I was treating my daughter just like I had treated my favorite top. I was trying to quicken change by changing the process.  I was trying to make her “dry clean only” life fit into my wash and wear schedule. I was trying to do things my way and NOT trusting God’s ways: His process. I wanted my daughter clean and ready to go ASAP. However, the cost is great when we try to adjust God’s process without His leading. The situation ended with feelings hurt, in pain, and in despair. Oh how I wept and repented to the Lord when I got the revelation. I immediately asked the heavenly Father for forgiveness. I had tried to change his process without His consent and made a huge mistake.
Thank God for His mercy and grace. I praise Jesus that the prompting of the precious Holy Spirit caught me early in my quest for change: Long before I could cause irreparable damage. I realized that it is critical that I entrust my daughter wholly to the Lord Jesus Christ and His process for her life. It is critical that I trust that God the Father knows how to make her life beautiful and knows how to make her the object of many compliments. Or she, like my blouse, could end up shrunken and unusable: which, of course, the enemy would love.
Are you trying to change God’s process? Are you submitting to the process He’s chosen for your life? Have you become impatient, frustrated, tired and ready for a quick change? I want to encourage you women of God – keep putting your trust in the Father.  No matter how bleak a situation may look, remember God is in control. We must learn to yield ourselves to God’s ways. He has a specific process for your specific situation and His results are life giving and eternal. Hallelujah!
Maybe you have already put the “dry clean only” in the wash, and damage may have come as a result: Damage to your heart, your finances, your children, and your marriage.  Know that God is a RESTORER. Unlike my blouse, our hearts and lives can be repaired and restored. The heavenly Father knows how to bring all things back to its original state: that’s what salvation is all about ~ being restored to a relationship with the heavenly Father through the shed blood of Jesus. All you and I need to do is repent and submit to His process. The word of God says,
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.  
My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


  1. Thank You...Beautiful Dancer!!!...This message resonated in my spirit. As you know I have been faced with many challenges over the past year, having to be ALL for everyone, and losing pieces of myself even as I attempt to remain steadfast and seek HIS face in the mist. It's been a struggle and I have allowed the enemy to seep in the cracks and whisper in my ear...frustration, bitterness, hopelessness, unworthy, fear, sickness. Praise HIM that loves me!!! For He is the Healer, Restorer, Forgiver and Lover of my soul. HE is always on time and prepares my way. I repent and submit to HIM and HIS will today that all may be renewed and restored!!! I thank God for you and your ministry. Amen!

  2. My sister recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

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