My Auto-Pilot Kicked In (Thank God!)

Today I woke up refreshed and ready to go. My mind was focused and I was pushing task quite early. I even said to my kids, “I’m baaaaaack” (don’t think my children were too happy about that ~ lol). However, yesterday was just the opposite. Have you heard the saying “I’m so tired I can’t see straight?” I had never experienced that personally until yesterday. I literally could not read what was in front of me. Focusing was so difficult to do. I knew I could read (lol), but I had to rub my eyes multiple times just to get my eyes to focus in the words. Now, I know you’re probably saying, “Girl, you just need some glasses.”(lol). That’s may be true, but yesterday was very different, I promise you.

I was so tired and I think the only reason anything got done yesterday was because, what I call, my auto-pilot, kicked in (and God’s grace, of course). It’s on days like yesterday that I appreciate having a daily regimen and a to-do list. It’s on days like yesterday, when my brain is functioning slow, that I appreciate the discipline the Holy Spirit developed in me over the years.  About seventeen ago I had decided, or should I say, agreed with God, to home school my children. The first year was a living H, E, double hockey sticks. I was overwhelmed and frustrated, feeling like I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I couldn’t seem to get a grip on how to get “everything” done: school, cooking, training, teaching, cleaning, etc. One again, I cried out to the Lord and once again, He answered.
It was not uncommon for my husband and I to attend two to three Christian conferences a year. We were young and hungry for the things of God. We would go to difference conferences throughout the year looking for direction and encouragement. We have since settled down quite a bit, but the Lord encouraged our hearts and taught us many things during those years.
One of the conferences we attended that particular year happened to be a prophetic conference. We spent a lot of time in the prophetic circles. At this particular conference the Father answered my hearts cry and stirred a discipline in me that still resides with me today.
I recall the prophets saying to me during the time of personal ministry that the Holy Spirit was going to give me strategy for my household and that the Holy Spirit, himself, was going to show me how to organize my daily schedule so that I would have time for prayer, bible study, practicing dance (I was in private lessons), preparing school lessons, and all of the many other chores that awaited a wife and mother of six children. Of course, tears just rolled down my eyes, as they continued to speak over my husband and I because I knew these people had no idea that I had been crying out to the Lord for those very things.
The Lord was faithful to His word. Through months of hands on training by the Holy Spirit I was taught and given instruction on just how to organize my, then, chaotic life. These instructions from the Holy Spirit led to a peaceful, organized daily regimen, even giving me the freedom to now strategize, instead of just functioning….big difference.
Because you know I had a choice: to continue the way I was going in pure frustration or allow the Holy Spirit to disciple me. This was no easy task. My new found strategy and organization required that I awake at 4:30 every morning. It meant that I had to follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit to the tee. A typical day consisted of early morning prayer and bible study, dance practice, review of school lessons, fixing breakfast, bathing and dressing children, eating breakfast, 2-3 hours of school lessons, lunch, children’s nap time (washed clothes during this time), afternoon snack, prep dinner, eat dinner and whatever church related events that were scheduled for the evening, evening snack, children’s bedtime, mommy and daddy time, sleep, then awake to do it all over again.
At first, my mind, body and spirit fought this new schedule. I hated getting up early, believe it or not. Now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I decided to just yield and trust the Holy Spirit. After all the word says that He would lead us into all truth. It was all for my good.  
I am sharing this because those times of yielding to the Holy Spirit developed a discipline in me that is now my auto-pilot. The organization and strategy the Holy Spirit taught me, developed times of discipline that kick in when I need them most. It’s just like fire drills. You practice them when there’s no fire, so that when there is a fire, and you all panicked, your auto-pilot of discipline will kick in.
The same is true for our spiritual life. There are times when we are weary and tired, even overwhelmed by life and circumstances: To the point where we can’t see straight (spiritually) at times. It’s in those times that you can tap into your spiritual auto-pilot. The word of God that you have poured into your spirit and the relationship you’ve developed with the Lord and the Holy Spirit began to arise in you, on it’s own. It just pours out of you.
It’s in those times when you appreciate those times you didn’t feel like reading, but you did. Or you prayed, even when you didn’t feel like it. It’s in those times that you’re developing a discipline, doing your fire drills, for those times of weariness and tiredness.
I’m amazed at the number of people who still don’t take time pray and study the word of God. I have heard every excuse from not having time to its just boring. Yet, it’s these same people who, in the time of trouble, don’t have anything to tap in to: who call me to call down the fire of God on their situation, which, of course, I don’t mind doing. However, I believe that there should a daily discipline of prayer and study (fasting too) in the life of every believer so that in times of trouble their auto-pilot will kick in. Then, instead of calling me in distress, they can call me to stand in agreement with the word of God that has already arisen in them. Amen.
I want to encourage you today to take time to pray and read the word of God… every day. Create a discipline of feeding your spirit. You never know when life will hit or try to overwhelm you. It’s in those times that our auto-pilot will kick in. It’s in those times that the Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance those scriptures you have been reading. It’s in those times that strength arises in you because you know the God you serve because you’ve spent time in His presence. All that time David spent in the field tending the sheep and worshipping the Lord prepared Him for his position as King. Read the Psalms, whenever David struggled whether it was with King Saul or other enemy kings, he always went back to that place of who God was. Remember, the Holy Spirit has to have something to bring to your remembrance.
I am so thankful for those years of pressing in to pray and study, even when I didn’t want to. Those times were seeds to the fruit I see in my life today. When life seems overwhelming, scriptures that I may not have read in years will arise in my spirit, encouraging my heart….that’s my auto-pilot kicking in. I LOVE it. If you’re feeling tired, weary, or overwhelmed kick into you auto-pilot.  Be blessed people of God.
My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


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