Breaking Forth! (Isaiah 58:8)

Busy. I hate that word, but it seems to be the best word to describe my life these last few weeks. My daily to-do list seems to be getting longer and longer lately. It seems the more that I get done the more there is to be done (some of you all can relate to that). I hate being busy, believe it or not. Many times the schedule that I live is not my schedule of choice. It’s simply what has to be done for my family, my business, and even sometimes for ministry. If there’s purpose behind it and I know that it’s going to bless and build others I am more than willing to do it. Yes, it can be very tiring to the body and spirit, but in the end, it’s worth it. 

In the midst of this busyness it’s always a blessing when the Father shines on you. And I felt He did that this week, just for me (lol). I don’t what the weather has been where you live, but here in the Chicago area we have been blessed with a week of beautiful spring weather. The sun shining through my window every morning put a huge smile on my face. I think it was the since of hope….a sign that spring is coming. I could hear the scripture in Habakkuk 2:3 ringing in my heart: “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” I am waiting with great anticipation. 

Life has been busy and sometimes that busyness becomes a cloak of heaviness that you just want to cast off. Add to that the dreariness of the winter months and life just seems heavy. When I saw the sunshine and the consistent beautiful weather (didn’t get excited the first day or so because it’s Chicago: weather changes by the minute) my soul rejoiced. I don’t know about you but, I needed that sunshine. I needed that ray of hope (pun intended).

As I looked out the window on yesterday morning I began to thank the Lord for the sunshine and for seasons. I began to tell Him that although I understood the need for winter that I was extremely delighted that spring was almost here. I shared with Him how I just wanted to shed the heaviness that had come with the winter season, both spiritually and naturally. I expressed my desire to be loose and free, letting down my hair. And as I continued to commune and worship with Him the Lord said to me “Daughter, You will break forth like the morning.” As the words were being spoken I could literally see in a vision the manifestation of the words coming alive in. The vision was beautiful, arrayed with color and splendor….too much to try to describe here. 

I began to weep, letting the comfort of His voice and words resonate in my heart. To be honest with you I really don’t know how to put into words how my spirit feels at moments such as these. You see, I know the Father sees all of me and knows the deep thoughts of my heart. When He speaks to me, those words never are surface. Many times He is speaking to deep things in me that no one knows of. I struggle even now to articulate what all was addressed in that one phrase. Just know this, that the Father loves you and me. That love runs deep. And when you love Him in return you begin to hear His heartbeat in the deep. The word is true, “deep calls unto deep” (Psalms 42:7).

“Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy reward.” Isaiah 58:8

I have read this passage in times past, but of course, the Holy Spirit was giving more insight and revelation to me as read it again. This promise of breaking forth is like unto the promise of spring. It is a word of hope that He is going to do what He promised. It’s a reminder that His word will be fulfilled in its season: just as the season change and shift and have been for over two thousand years the same will be true in our lives. A new season will take place. It’s a reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness and that He has not forgotten His promises. It’s a reminder that His word is yet alive and accomplishing all that He has set it forth to accomplish in the earth (Isaiah 55:10-11). It’s a reminder that every season has an end and a new one must began. It’s a reminder the Father God is not slack concerning His word: “He who begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete it” (Philippians 1:6).

I believe that this is a word not only for me, but for many that have been experiencing a season of heaviness, coupled with a winter season (trying times). I believe that the Breaking Forth is here, even upon us. The Father is bringing us into a place that we can cast off the weights of the last season: allowing us to let down our hair (so to speak) and be loosed in the spirit. 

I believe that this Breaking Forth brings with it a new hope: Hope for the unexpected, Hope for impossible, Hope for the seemingly lost and unreachable. I believe that this Breaking Forth with cause many, including myself, to walk in new levels of faith, to try new things, and to dare to walk on the water. I believe that the timing of Breaking Forth is orchestrated by the Father: allowing many to get to such a place of desolation (dying to self) that a stirring is takes place within us (if we’ve yielded to the spirit), so much so, that when freedom comes our whole mindset is different. No longer are insecurities, inefficiencies, and inadequacies an excuse. This Breaking Forth will debut the new and accentuate the old. Many who are seasoned in Him will declare His name with power and accuracy and many that are not so seasoned will break the chains of the enemies with boldness and courage. Hallelujah!

I am excited about spring, but I am more excited about Breaking Forth. Praying that you embrace your new season.

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


  1. Thank the Lord for your revelation! Your insight has given me insight and blessed my soul. I too am in a season of BREAKING FORTH and recently answered a call in my life that I didn't realize was there. I am chosing to allow God to a great work in me instead of fighting against it due to fear of being "busy". BREAKING FORTH is happening right here, right now! Get ready, get ready, get ready!

    Love you
    Angela Wilson

  2. This word was encoraging. Before reading this today, I was actually sensing a shift in my life as well. It's a shift that affects my spiritual insight and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. I have a deeper love for the Lord because I learned to quiet my spirit in order to get out of my own way in order to receive what God has for me. I am also learning to not fear being completely submissive to the call God has for me. I am learning to embrace saying "yes Lord" instead of "that ain't God," lol. Thank you Dorothy for living a life that pleases the Lord. With that kind of inspiration we can all receive this word of breaking forth!


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