IMPACT – 1: to have a direct effect or impact on: impinge on 2: to strike forcefully; also: to cause to strike forcefully.

Impact. That’s the word that I heard ringing in my spirit this morning as I was thinking about and praying over my natural and spiritual sisters and daughters this morning. As I was calling out the many urgent needs of each one to the Father my heart ached for them. I wanted to be super woman and jump in and fix all of the problems, including my own, with my magic power (lol). Of course, I know that’s not possible so I acquiesce and continue to call out and rely on my main source of power which is PRAYER.

Intercession is my weapon of war and I purpose to stay armed with it at all times, so as to continue to drive back the forces of hell and darkness that many times try to overtake my sisters and brother, and even myself. I know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. And I know that the weapons of our warfare, what we use to fight, are not carnal (fleshly). The bible says that the weapons that we do have, prayer being one of them, are MIGHTY through God to the point of PULLING DOWN STRONGHOLDS. Needless to say, I believe in the power of prayer.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)  ~ 2 Corinthians 10:3-4

Yet, there are times, when I feel, even though I praying diligently, as if I am not doing enough: that I am not striking forcefully enough, as the definition says. In times like today that I feel most helpless: When I feel the weightiness of those I care so much about, when the needs are so great, and I sense in the hearts of many of my daughters, the great heaviness upon them. It’s in these times that I wish I could do or say more that would bring change: change in perspective, change in action, change in their level of faith, change in those around them, change in attitude, and even change in direction.

It’s in these times that I want to have the kind of Godly Impact, through word and deed, that will bring transformation to the lives of those who are in my circle of influence. And although I believe that I am having some impact, I want to have that impact that, as the definition said, causes others to strike forcefully: that moves my sisters and daughters to action in the natural and in the spirit. Maybe that’s just the prophetic, black and white, warrior in me. I don’t know. I just believe that true Impact is shown by the actions that follow. If we say we are followers of Christ, then shouldn’t our lives reflect (through actions) our relationship and love for Him?

I pray that I am really making a difference in the lives of those He has graciously allowed to be in my circle of influence. I worry….am I really making an impact?! I don’t want to just be a crutch for others to lean on. I want to be the one that administers the healing balm of Jesus so that others can walk on their own. I want to have that kind of Impact (my hearts cry). I want to have that Godly Impact that causes others to also have a Godly Impact. I want my life to reflect Jesus and Impact everything and everyone around me, not for my own glory, but that the Father may be glorified.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify 
your Father which is in heaven.” ~ Matthew 5:16

I am reminded of a song (I know, I’m always referencing a song –lol), that I was asked to sing many years ago: Praise You by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. The minister of music and his team, at that time, would pray over songs and assign the soloist as the Holy Spirit led. They wanted the songs to be ministered, not necessarily by the best singers (I was not one of them), but by the heart cry of the worshipper. When I was approached with the song I really didn’t want to do it. I was scared and very insecure in my abilities as a lead singer (still am).

Of course, I ended up singing the song and the impact that it had on all those who heard it is still resonating today. Even when I have revisited that church of many years ago it is always requested that I sing that song. I don’t believe it’s because I sing it so well, as a matter of fact, I know it’s not for that reason….it’s because it’s truly the cry and prayer of my heart.

I pray as you the listen to the lyrics that it will become your prayer unto the Lord as well. Praying today for all my natural and spiritual sisters and daughters (and brothers, too). I am praying that my life, and your life, will have Godly Impact on every circumstance and all those around you and me. In Jesus Name.

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


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