Seated with HIM!

"He also raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might display the immeasurable riches of His grace in [His] kindness to us in Christ Jesus" Ephesians 2:6-7

I woke up yesterday morning, very tender in my spirit. Whether I was thinking of the goodness of the Lord and His love for me, thinking and praying for friends, or worrying about the many financial issues that Albert and I are facing as a family, all of them seem to lead me to tears. All I wanted to do is lay at Jesus feet and weep. Don't misunderstand. I was okay. I knew from walking with the Lord for over 30 years that the Lord was working on my heart, challenging me to a new place in Him. And although I'm familiar with this place, been here quite a few times, my flesh always hates it. Probably because I feel like I'm a walking sponge. It's in these times of tenderness that I just want to be stay home and be alone in His presence. There was no such dwelling in the secret place today.

In addition to going to meetings, appointments and running errands, I had to minister at my church that night. We were having a corporate prayer meeting and the leaders and elders had been asked to pray prophetically for people at the service. I thought it my be best that I didn't minister to anyone, not because I don't love ministry and people (quite the opposite). It's because I take prayer and prophetic ministry so seriously, that I did not want to be out of sync with the Spirit of the Lord and minister anything from my soulish realm. I pleaded my case with the Lord, but of course the Lord wasn't having it (lol), so out of obedience I joined the ministers at the altar.

The whole time I was praying and speaking to people I was feeling a little uneasy. Yet, I knew and could see the power of the Holy Spirit ministering to the hearts of the people who had come forth. As I was returning to my seat after the altar call the Holy Spirit spoke to me. Our worship team was singing
Heaven On Earth (my theme song for 2010), by David and Nicole Binion. One of the lines in the song says, "we're seated in heavenly places, just like heaven." And I heard the Holy Spirit speak clearly to me, "YOU ARE SEATED!" Man,did that shook my spirit (in a good way).

I've sung this song so many times, listen to it at least twice a day. I know the lyrics by heart...that's why I LOVE it so much, but when the Holy Spirit spoke to me on yesterday I heard it so different. I could hear and see the Lord himself, looking me in the eye and saying, "YOU...ARE...SEATED!" (think about that). It was a rhema for me ~ a word specifically for me.

The word "seated" implies a place of authority and power. The Lord was saying to me that, in HIM, I walk in authority and power. He was reminding me that my
experience, my wavering feelings and emotions, doesn't change or dictate my position in Him. The word says, that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance (Romans 11:29): His ability to move through me had nothing to do with my feelings and emotions. Praise God!!! I AM SEATED in heavenly places with Him.

No matter how you're feeling today know that its only temporal. Remember that you are His and that you can stand on His promises (2 Corinthians 1:20). Remember that you belong to the King of kings and the Lord of lords: You are a Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, and a Peculiar People. Remember that YOU ...ARE ...SEATED (Positioned) in heavenly places with HIM.

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.




  2. Hey Dorothy, I finally got a chance to get over to the blog. (These classes oohoooo, almost over lol) Anyway, I love it! I am gonna try to visit it at least every month. Love, Kisses and tons and tons of Hugs.
    Kim Sprowl


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