New Mercies...
It's 5:30AM and I'm up preparing for the day. My body is tired and exhausted, but I knew it would when I laid down at midnight last night. It's going to be another marathon day: dance classes, rehearsals, errands, and load of responsibilities to take care of before tomorrow. It's on mornings like this that I would have had two cups of coffee (lol). I would have pumped myself on caffeine and took on the day...but no can do.
I, along with my church, am in the last two days of a 21-day fast, so no caffeine for me until Monday morning. I'm determined to finish well, so I am leaning hard on the Lord today. His faithfulness will not be secondary to my caffeine, but rather my total source for my body and spirit. I'm trusting the Father to empower me by His Spirit, giving strength and wisdom. I'm trusting the Holy Spirit, my Paraclete, to be my guide and to lead me into all truth.
Now, I know that this is how I (we) should walk everyday,right?! That's why I love fasting. It reveals ALL of our crutches and lean-post: those things that we lean on, rely on, to get us through whatever. When you're fasting, you have to shift your dependence: Your daily reliance cannot be focused on food, people, and even caffeine. Your trust has to be in Him. It's definitely a FAITH walk....but that's a good thing.
My prayer for you and I today is that we would continue to live a life of fasting: making it a lifestyle and not just an annual event. You only gain, when you live a life of denying yourself you gain so much of Him (Mark 8:36; John 12:25). The Father loves us and desires to extend His grace and mercy to us everyday. Hallelujah!!
"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentation 3:23
My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.
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