Let It Rise

The Holy Spirit dropped a song in spirit yesterday evening that I just can't stop singing. The song is called Let It Rise by William Murphy III.

Let the glory of the Lord rise among us
Let the glory of the Lord rise among us
Let the praises of our King rise among us
Let it rise
Oh, let it rise

Let the songs of the Lord rise among us
Let the songs of the Lord rise among us
Let the joy of our King rise among us
Let it rise
Oh, let it rise

I hadn’t heard that song in quite some time, so when I heard it bellowing up from my belly I knew it was the Lord speaking to me. The Word of God says that, out of your belly shall flow RIVERS of living water (John 7:38). Get that….The Lord will bring a word of deliverance and freedom from your own belly. Selah. (Going to have to come back to that in another blog).

I begin to sing the chorus to this song over and over again as I rode along in the car. As I sang, I could feel the presence of the Lord rising up in me and around me. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me, bringing to my remembrance the scripture that I’m sure this song is based.

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the GLORY of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and HIS GLORY shall be seen upon thee. “Isaiah 60:1-2

In this passage of scripture the children of Israel had once again been in captivity. And the Father God sent word through the Prophet Isaiah that He was once again delivering them from their captivity and bringing restoration. Not only was the Lord God, in His infinite mercy and grace, restoring them once again, He was also allowing His GLORY to shine (rest) upon them. The Greek word for GLORY in this passage is Chabod (pronounced kah-vohd):Strongs #3519. Chabod means weightiness, heavy, substance; it also means glory, splendor, honor, power, wealth, authority, magnificence, fame, dignity, riches, and excellency. Think about that for a minute. What a powerful act of the Father God to allow His GLORY (His substance, authority, wealth, fame, power, etc…) to cover His people. We serve an awesome God!

The Prophet Isaiah told to the children of Israel that His GLORY would cover them,EVEN when darkness was all around (sounds like the times we're living in). In other words when others can't see and are spiritually blind, lost, hopeless, and can't seem to find their way, HIS people (you and me) would not be in darkness (I Thessalonians 4:13). His GLORY would be over them in midst of it all. Praise be to God!

I know the Lord was speaking to me and encouraging my heart. Life has been pressing pretty hard these last few years, few months, few days (lol). The shadow of the enemy has been large and luminous. And although I know deep in my spirit that the Lord has me and all that concerns me, at times, fear would try to overwhelm me. Today was no different than the other ~ it was another Monday (lol). I was finding myself concerned with the “how” and “when” of my situation: How are you going to do it Lord and when, when, when?

As I meditated on the song and the Word of God my spirit man began to REJOICE! The Lord was reassuring me that He was bringing restoration to me, my situation, my dreams, my hopes. Hallelujah! His GLORY is shining upon me and that in the midst of the darkness (and let me tell you its been dark) He was causing His GLORY to be upon me. The Spirit of the Lord was speaking loud and clear. It IS a new season. It IS a new day. A FRESH anointing has come my way. Hallelujah!

Embrace this word for yourself ~ God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). I don’t know what you’re facing in your life and circumstances right now, but I want to encourage your heart today. Meditate on this word and take it as your own. Sing this song, out loud. Declare it for yourself. Let the GLORY of the Lord to RISE among you, among your situation, among your finances, your marriage, and your health. Let the GLORY of the Lord ARISE! Hallelujah!!

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.



  2. I don't know what drew me to this message,but this song was sang to me through the mouth of a prophet ,God rest in his heart this song for me and just now,I just began singing it and singing and indeed I feel joyful,your encouragement as well helped to illuminate this time and season in my life.

  3. Than you I'm going to sing this song tomorrow.

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  5. This song is also in my Spirit this morning. I can relate. Thanks!

  6. In a dry season, although God is walking me through and out, storms are still coming. Today I needed some encouragement and as I sat at my desk trying to encourage myself, the Holy Spirit dropped this song in my spirit. I stopped typing, raised my hands and allowed God to minister to me, allowed the Holy Spirit to comfort me and comfort me he did. Went in the bathroom and had a short praise break, had to open my mouth to tell God thank you, had to quote some scriptures over my life and my situation and just tell God thank you, for two years ago he showed me my blessings and now it has come to pass, but it's hard because its a new business and I know the enemy wants me to walk away from everything, my marriage and the business and i am fighting everyday leaning and opening my mouth, Lord I trust you. I enjoyed your blog, as we both know, God doesn't make mistakes....your blog was a great discovery, God bless you WOG, Amen!


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