Ecclesiastes 3:11

"He has made everything Beautiful in His time..." Ecclesiastes 3:11

I love to look good and dress well!!! Don't act like you're so shocked by that statement, so do YOU. I love wearing nice clothes, nice shoes and smelling good. Anytime I leave my home, whether it's to go to a business lunch or to the local grocery store, I do my best to be coordinated, crisp and clean, with three inch heels in tote :-). If I had my druthers I would spend all of my extra money on cologne, long coats, and high heels....that's just me y'all (lol).

People dress the way they do for different reason: Job requirements, status, image, position, and some, just because they got it like that and they can ~ I'm not mad at them. However, for me, my dress is much more than that: There is PURPOSE behind it. Yes, its fun, but my real purpose is to be a display of His glory in the earth. I purpose to be an outward expression of love, from an inward transformation of grace. Understand that I'm not condoning any kind of prideful exhibition and selfish ambition. I'm simply making the point that, people can see the glory of the Lord upon you or....they can also see your hurt and pain.

"A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken." Proverbs 15:13 Amp

When I was very young girl I was molested continuously for many years. As a result of those violations I lived with the shame and condemnation throughout my adolescent and early adult years. Instead of being strong and confident, I lived as a very timid and scared young child and woman. Everyday I hid in the invisible shells created by my insecurities and fears, many times being alone and friendless. I spent my days looking at the floor and hiding behind the person in front of me: Hoping not to be seen or heard. I remember in my 9th grade year, after I was allowed to wear wear makeup, thinking to myself, "This is my saving grace. Now I can put on this beautiful fake face to hide my ugly real face." Yet still, everyday, deep inside my heart I felt like the ugly duckling that would never fulfill her purpose and a beautiful swan.

Praise God for deliverance and freedom!!!! The Father graced me to meet people of God who, through the power of the Holy Spirit, set me free. These wonderful men and women of God took me under their wing and ministered to my heart, breaking the spirit of shame and guilt off my life. They ministered to by broken and crushed spirit by embracing me and loving me, even when I was unlovable: Opening their hearts to me, sharing their personal victories and giving me hope for a future. These great men and women of God spoke words of life to a broken vessel, bringing healing to my heart and soul. I'm grateful for their labor of love towards me. I'm living my Purpose today because of them. Yes, I still wear makeup (love it), but no longer to cover, but to enhance the true beauty that was once stolen and is now returned to me.

What is your look displaying? What is your countenance speaking to others? When you look into the mirror and see yourself, what do you see? Do you see a New Creature in Christ Jesus? Do you see a child of God redeemed by grace? Or do you see the pain and ugliness of your past? Abuse, neglect, abandonment, betrayal, incest, fornication, alcoholism, drug addiction? Maybe you see a person trapped by your circumstance?!

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

I want to encourage you today ~ Jesus is still in the business of healing and setting the captive free. If He did it for me, surely He can do it for you. Know that there's nothing that is too horrible or too deep that He cannot heal and His love cannot cover. All you need do is ask. Call on Him today and see won't He answer. Be FREE today, in Jesus name!

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.

Scripture references: Romans 8:1; I John 4:18; Isaiah 53:4-5; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Isaiah 54:3-5


  1. Praise the LOrd!! Wow Minister Dorothy if I didn't need to read your blog today; what a blessing. This is my first time reading your blog but God led me to check my emails and then check your message. It never cease to amaze me how God can heal,delive, and set free us from bondage and past hurts. I've been praying, and wanting the more of God not just talking but letting God be in the driver seat. I can be who God purpose me to be and I don't have to be ashamed of my testimony and the past. I actually went out yesterday to the audition for the play and I know God was with me. I felt sooooo good stepping out and not letting fear stop me. I love you so much Min. Caldwell you such a mighty woman of God and a beautiful person. Continue to let the Lord use you and have a blessed day!!!!


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