Hidden in the Cleft of The ROCK!

Praise the Lord!!! I know it’s been a minute since I’ve written. I've been consumed the last three weeks with dance team responsibilities and making plans for my husband's birthday. Praise God for His grace that’s has literally escorted me the last few weeks. I must say that through it all the Lord has been good. I'm so thankful for His overwhelming demonstration of love towards me...our One Family Service and dance, Resurrection Sunday Dance, and Albert’s birthday week were above all I could have asked or thought. HE is so faithful!!!

During my time of “getting things done” the Holy Spirit was still speaking to my heart. I was doing my best to write things down here and there, but it will be a few days before I can totally download it all. I am purposing to put pen to paper, or should I say, fingers to keyboard every day this week (Pray for me y’all –lol). However, today I just wanted to share a scripture the Lord gave me back in January this year. I was thumbing through my journal and came across an entry that seem apropos to my today .

I don't often share from my journal, probably because many of the entries are very personal and intimate and are often times speaking directly to me. However, every once and a while I will share something that I feel may be a blessing to someone else or if I feel the Lord leading me to do so. The following was one of my shorter entries (mainly scripture verses), but I pray as you read the words that you will sense the gentle touch of the Holy Spirit. I know it brought encouragement and comfort to my heart and I pray that it will stir your heart toward Him as well. May you find peace and rest in His word today. Amen.

In early January 2009 the Holy Spirit led me to read Exodus 33. I remember as I reading it thinking to myself, “Lord, where are you going with this?” I soon found out (Praise God!). In this passage of scripture Moses speaking to God about leading His people on to the Promised Land. In the midst of getting instructions Moses ask the Lord to see His glory. Since this was not Moses’ first encounter with God. Moses had a close relationship with the Father God (read through Exodus when you have chance and see their relationship develop). He was well aware of God’s power, holiness and sovereignty. Yet, Moses wanted to know God even more deeply. He wanted to see His glory. 

"And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name. And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock: And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen."

After reading this passage the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Provision is in the Cleft of The Rock!” And just as He had hid Moses in the cleft as means of protection, provision and as a means for him to view and experience His glory, he was doing the same for me. The Father was reassuring me that He had made provision for me in the cleft of The Rock, Jesus Christ. PRAISE GOD! Everything thing that I needed was and is in HIM (Jesus). His mercy is extended toward me in Jesus. His grace is extended toward me in Jesus. His love is extended toward me in Jesus. AND I can experience, view, take in, encounter, basque in, His glory in the Jesus….The Rock. What an awesome God we serve!!!!

You must understand how great of a gesture this was from the Father toward Moses. No man (in human form) could see the Father and live (Ex 33:20), but the Father, out His love for Moses, found a way to allow Moses to see a glimpse of His glory: He hid him in the cleft of the rock. How awesome of a God that would go through the trouble of showing him (us) His glory. And this was a only a glimpse of the provision He had in store for us through the shed blood of His son, Jesus Christ (still displaying and demonstrating His love toward us). My spirit began to rejoice as I realized that the same was true for you and me this day. The Father, who loves us beyond words, was doing whatever was necessary for me to experience His glory and provision. SELAH.

Please understand that this word came at a time in my life when life seemed to be overwhelming me. There was so much that was happening, and seemingly not happening, in my life at that time. And the enemy was working hard to discourage me: inundating me with thoughts of abandonment and failure. He (Satan) was working hard to convince me that the Father had forgotten and abandoned me. Now, of course, I knew that wasn't true, but I tell you what, it sure did FEEL like it. And if you’re honest with yourself, you feel that way too at times: Like the Father has forgotten about you…don’t even know your name.

Praise God for the Spirit of the Lord that lives in us, that leads us into all TRUTH. And the truth is, that HE will never leave us nor forsake. The truth is that He loves His children (and we are His). The truth is that God is in control and that there is nothing that is happening (or not happening) in our life that He doesn’t know about. It’s in those times that we must tap into the Spirit of God: Rely on Him and not our emotions. We should never allow our emotions (soulish realm) to dictate our actions and responses: the enemy will trip us up every time.

I am so thankful today for the word of God. I’m thankful that my Father loves me. I’m thankful for the Holy Spirit that lives in me. I’m thankful that I AM HIDDEN in the cleft of the THE ROCK, JESUS CHRIST. Hallelujah!!! Be blessed today.

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


  1. I found this today while looking for some notes for a prayer I will be praying for shepherds and your posting bought more revelation to this scripture and to how much I need to be in the cleft - which is Christ. Thank you

  2. I came upon your post today, Nov. 4- I had had a vision from Father God, i saw the mountains and strong rock, and hidden in the one part was a huge very RED door. ? I knew it was His door, I thought of the scripture, hidden in the cleft of the rock and i wanted to research it and came upon this and thank you so much for posting! In our times that we spend only w/ HIM and know that no man can help only Jesus can help us, it brought much comfort to me today!!! Waiting on His intervention. Bless you sis, Connie

    1. Tears of joyous gratitude for this. I love serendipitous sightings of God, not knowing what I needed from HIM until HE gives it to me. Just like a child not knowing that it's too cold to go outside without a hat on so mommy stops you, puts a warm soft chapeau on top and sends them on their way. God did that for me today. The cleft in the rock is the hat, the cover, the comfort, the CHRIST. Thank you for sharing this word. To God be the glory!

    2. Yes, amen. Tearful, appreciated reminder. So glad you posted this 10 years ago at the Spirit's prompting and it's still encouraging people today.

  3. Praise the Lord Connie!!! What a beautiful analogy the Father has given you. In the bible the color Red often represents the blood or atonement. Maybe the Father was assuring you that He's got you...that you are truly "hidden" or covered by the blood of Jesus, secure in the fact that He was the atonement for your sin (yesterday, today, and forever). "There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). I don't know what is going on in your life right now, but you can rest assured that He loves you and that NOTHING can separate you from that love. God bless you my sister!!!

    @Gaysha May God bless you for your sacrifice of love. I know you have the heart of the Father when you take the time to pray for shepherds....oh, do wish more in the body of Christ grasp that concepts. I believe that our churches would have more impact and power....pray for the leader, build the people (equip the saints), bring in the harvest. Blessings to you!!!

  4. Many times we desire the protection of God in different situation in our life and this is a classic moment to see Divine intervention of God grace and mearcy in demonstration when we dont even know what happen , and all we can sayia tank u Jesus, is God awsom .Kenrick .

  5. Thank you for this. The words I was given yesterday in the midst of praying for church leaders world leaders , as well as the Church generally including individuals was ' Do not forget the cleft in the rock.'Our conversation had also included the 'busyness' of all people and particularly the over activity of our society which has infiltraInd into the church. I believe that the evil one loves to keep us all over- busy and this is a call,Iike Moses did, to prioritize on time with and worship of our God, through the Lord Jesus Christ.There will always be lots to do.

  6. Thank you, sincerely. I was praying just now and I am not a man generally short on words but for some reason couldn't find this great sense of God as my....I could see it but no words fit. I don't often use the word "cleft", actually i never do. So when that word came to mind I began to research...thank you for sharing. I truly truly needed this. I pray your faith doesn't fail and that your courage is increased.

  7. This message has graciously blessed me. God has from time to time called me away to what looked to me as a cleft or what I would call a mountain's a rock's cleft. I kept seeing this vision about a week ago and I know that he was calling me away to himself yet I was so cosummed with my own fleshly desires that I would up and kept coming down. Before he could process what he wanted to process within me; and as a result I realize that things that I have experienced from that time up until now ; was the very things he wanted to HIDE me from. I wept in my heart as I looked at how (GOD) was looking out for me and I didn't let him cover me under his wings as he desired.
    Even there could be serious consequences for disobedience.I believe GOD to be usured back into that place with him.

    Thank You For Sharing,

  8. This message has graciously blessed me. God has from time to time called me away to what looked to me as a cleft or what I would call a mountain's a rock's cleft. I kept seeing this vision about a week ago and I know that he was calling me away to himself yet I was so cosummed with my own fleshly desires that I would up and kept coming down. Before he could process what he wanted to process within me; and as a result I realize that things that I have experienced from that time up until now ; was the very things he wanted to HIDE me from. I wept in my heart as I looked at how (GOD) was looking out for me and I didn't let him cover me under his wings as he desired.
    Even there could be serious consequences for disobedience.I believe GOD to be usured back into that place with him.

    Thank You For Sharing,

  9. Hallelujah! I been bless. Needed to understand in the Cliff of the Rock better. Thank you.

  10. Hallelujah! I been bless. Needed to understand in the Cliff of the Rock better. Thank you.

  11. Hallelujah, Praise God,this message has truly been blessing to me,had a dream last night about being in a sitting position in a cleft of the rock, God is making His goodness pass before me. Thank you Sister in Christ

  12. Thank you so much for posting this. I was looking at a song this morning about being in His Presence. It's in His Presence where we find strength and restoration. Part of the song spoke of being in the cleft of the rock and I was looking for further insight into this. I found your blog very inspiring and helpful

    1. Thank you Diane! So glad that this could be a blessing to you.

  13. Thank you for posting this, was a wonderful inspiring read and amazing to be reminded of how much we mean to God :)

  14. Thank you for posting this. The word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. I also, as many others, have recently experienced the words “cleft of the rock”. Oftentimes, I will walk to a waterfall near my house to worship God alone. I had never noticed a cleft in the rock there until recently. I couldn’t sleep tonight and googled cleft of the rock... to my surprise your post was a blessing and reminded me that daily frustrations, society’s pressures and my own shortcomings are reduced when I will allow God to Hide me in the cleft of the rock and cover me with His mighty hand!

    Thank you for this post!

    1. Hi Brandi! Yes, the word of God is powerful...as a two-edged sword, dividing between soul and spirit (Heb 4:12). Know that God created you with beauty & purpose, and it is HE that will cause you to be victorious in all things. Praying God's peace and grace over you (Phil 4:7). Blessings!!!

  15. I have just found this blog!And I am blown away! I wrote a poem about Safe in the Cleft of the Rock! And I was looking for a picture to go with it! I was so blessed when I found it, but then didnt want to share it without acknowledging the author! That's how I came across this blog. And the article above! Thank you for sharing this! If I have your permission I would like to share it as well. Bless you for your faithfulness!

    Gwenneth Scholtz

    1. Hello Gwenneth! Yes, please feel free to share and use pics as necessary. I appreciate your acknowledgement and asking permission. All glory be to our Father. Blessings to YOU!!!

  16. Beautiful! I heard I have hidden you in the cleft of the Rock in my Spirit a few days ago and have just been meditating on it. Today, I decided to dig into what He means by hidden in the cleft of the Rock and "stumbled" upon this. Thank you for sharing your heart and for your faithfulness! I've gained more understanding through your encounter and testimony!

    Rebecca Bowers

  17. Thank you for the insight you have provided. It's great and comforting to heve Jesus as THE ROCK. There is not a day that He will fail no matter how much I fail him.

  18. Dorothy, Thank you for sharing what God revealed to you regarding this passage. On my prayer walk, "in the cleft of the rock" came to mind in what I have been seeking the Lord for in leading me... Your post came up in my search for more meaning/context of the verse. If you could see me, I'm all smiles when I read "provision." God is good!! Again, thank you for sharing!!! Blessings, Michelle

    1. Praise God! He is faithful to confirm His word. Blessings to you!!!

  19. I thank you for sharing this post it was so timely..it speaks volumes in my life and where I am at this point .. our Father has such a sweet way of demonstrating his love towards us. Again thank you. Many Blessings

    1. Yes, He does (have a sweet way of showing His love) -- all Glory to HIM!!! Bless you :-)

  20. Standing in church last week, I found myself disappointed yet again. Then I heard, "you're hidden in the cleft of The Rock". Today, I find myself sad & disappointed for several reasons. A lot has transpired over the last four years and I don't see an end. Today, I heard it again, twice. I Googled to see what writings or expositions I could find on this portion of scripture and found your blog. It spoke directly to me & I thank you for sharing!

  21. 10 years later and your blog still reaching out. Went to the ocean on this beautiful resurrection day and literally stood in cleft of the rocks and was reminded of God's promise during these days of distress.

  22. Thank you" for sharing this Spiritual experience !!! This CONFIRMED " some things to me that the Holy Spirit " said also to me this MORNING! Amen!

  23. Good morning,
    I was sent to your blog post this morning when I was doing a search on "cleft of the rock". I have been greatly blessed by your words. I am reminded of where it says in scripture that God's word never goes out & returns void. That 13 years later the Lord ( not google-lol) would guide me to your words. Thank-you & God's many blessings to you.


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