He Danced With Me!

Yesterday I was working on choreography for my dance classes and some ministry opportunities that I have coming up in the near future. When I started into my two hour practice I was really struggling with ideas: I couldn’t seem to get into the music. I know the struggle was partially because I had had a very long day and there was entirely too much on my mind. Plus I was in creative overload. I had been working on a few projects the last few weeks and my mind was tired. In addition, I had not had any down time to gather my thoughts, so my brain was still flooded with the cares of life. These things are a creative person’s worse enemy.

I needed to do something to relax and release. I decided to start out with some worship music rather than jump right into choreography. I put on one my old CDs from Cece Winans. It had been about three years since I had listened to that particular CD. I listened to the music and allow my mind and body to be consumed with the rhythm and words. I begin to dance and free flow, while incorporating some stretches to warm up my muscles. It felt good to my body and soul to being non-committal in my movement. Dancing free always feels good to me. It’s my escape, often times, from the cares of life. I could feel my body loosening up, but for some reason my mind was still struggling with thoughts from the day. Finally, after about three songs, I got a little breakthrough.

Now it was time to get on with the business of the day: choreographing three songs (Help me, Lord!). I worked on the songs diligently, praying and asking the Holy Spirit to help the whole time. I knew that I wasn’t in my usual creative flow and that I was going to have to trust what I knew from training and experience to get the job done. Although I worked on each song I can’t say that I accomplished what I would have wanted to in that time. I knew it was just not happening today. For those of you who are creative people you know exactly what I mean. When it’s there it’s there, and when it’s not, it’s not.

I was quite disappointed with myself. I just couldn’t get myself out of this funk, so I decided to work on one more piece before I called it a night. It was a song that I was very familiar with, but I need to get it done because I would be ministering to it this weekend. I wasn’t looking to actually choreograph this piece, per say. I wanted to listen to it and get it into my spirit so that I can really minister the song. Whenever I’m given an opportunity to dance solo I try not to choreograph it too tough. I much prefer to free flow. It’s my opportunity to dance freely before the Lord: with teams you just not always able to do that. Needless to say, when opportunities come when I can dance alone my heart rejoices.

I’m listening, dancing, and praying as the song played in the sound system. I began to dance to the music, listening and singing the lyrics as I moved. Stopping at times to see where and how I wanted to flow with a particular section. I did this several times, playing the song over and over again. When I was on about the third time through the song, all of sudden, it felt like someone ran up behind me and hugged me: Gently placing their hand on my shoulder. My heart began to race and the tears began to flow. I knew it was Him. What I thought was me getting a flow was in actuality, Him joining in my dance and worship. I was alone with Him and it was me and Him dancing, the song being my prayer and worship to Him

His presence was beautiful, peaceful, and comforting in ways I cannot explain. I was overwhelmed with His gentleness and love, knowing that He could see my heart.The tears rolled down my face as I found myself enveloped in His presence. I danced harder, freer than and as long as my body would permit. It was my time with Him. And I love when He surprises me and shows up, unexpectedly, in the midst of doing what I do. Even now I well up in tears that He loves me so. 

Know that He loves you, too. When you’re going through your day and it seems mundane, repetitious and unrelenting, remember that the Father makes surprise visits (lol). He will show up as you are continuing on your way, doing what you know to do, to refresh and restore you. It reminds of the story of the Road to Emmaus from Luke 24 (one of my favorite bible stories).

“And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?” Luke 24:31-32 

My prayer is that you will have that unexpected visit from the Lord in the days to come….maybe even today.

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


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