Give Me A Clean Heart

“Create in me a clean heart” (Psalms 51:10)

Recently I felt such a need in my spirit to set aside a time of consecration to the Lord: taking some time for fasting and prayer. My plate is quickly filling and I could see all that was coming my way, business and ministry responsibilities, and I could sense the Lord encouraging me to prepare my heart. I know that it’s going to be a necessity that I’m able to hear the Holy Spirit clearly and follow His leading. And I know that that clarity and desire to hear His voice all the more will only comes through spending time before the Lord in prayer and fasting.

Like every other believer, I desire my spirit man to line up with the desires of the Lord. I, too, want to be a vessel that He works through. At the same time, I want to be a pure vessel, one that is sensitive and lead by the Lord. I don’t want to do operate in my flesh, my own strength, which, believe it or not, is so easy to do. Even when doing good things, it's easy to look up and you're no longer being lead by the spirit, but rather are operating in your strengths. 

That's why I believe that is so critical that we, as believers, learn how to hear and remain sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and follow His leading. I believe that it critical that we learn to be in sync with Him, the Holy Spirit. I believe that this one of the many safe guard that God the Father put in place to help us. It is a reminder that we are to the Lord Jesus, and the help of the Holy Spirit and not ourselves. I don’t have time to go into it today, but there are so many examples in scripture that show that God hates when we put our trust in our own strengths. The Lord desires that He would be our source. We should purpose to walk with the Spirit daily: allowing Him to be our guide in all things.

“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16)

My prayer today, and always, is that the Father God would continue purify and cleanse my heart so that I can minister out of a pure vessel: relying on His power and His strength and not my own. I want to lead by Him and Him alone….purposing to daily DECREASE as HE INCREASES in me. (John 3:30).

I want to encourage you to always seek Him first in all things. Purpose to never get to a place where you don’t need the Lord, being confident in your own strength. Purpose to minister out of pure heart: not giving your own opinions and counsel solely based on my knowledge and intellect. Earnestly pray that through the leading of the Spirit, you are able to speak (or whatever He ask you to do) that which the Lord desires to be heard. Your greatest desire should be to be pleasing to the Lord first, your audience of One.

Singing today…..

Give me a clean heart
So I may serve Thee
Lord fix my heart so that I
May be used by Thee
For I'm not worthy
Of all these blessings
Give me a clean heart and I'll follow Thee

I'm not asking for the riches of the land
I'm not asking for high men to know my name
Please give me Lord
A clean heart
So I may follow Thee
Give me a clean heart
A clean heart
And I I will follow Thee

My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


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