Full Circle

The land, which we passed through to search it, is an exceeding good land.If the LORD delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it us; a land which floweth with milk and honey.Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not." Numbers 14:7-10

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to have dinner with one of my spiritual daughters, Sarah (not her real name). It had been some time since we had gotten together. Neither of us could seem to work it out in our schedule. Finally, we just locked down a day and didn’t let anything get in our way. I have been praising the Lord for His impeccable timing because our time together was definitely a divine appointment.
 It was a delight to hear all that God was doing as she and I reminisced and caught up on what had been going on in each of our lives. We talked about everything from family to Obama and the health care bill. All of this was wonderful, but God had much in store for me. One of the things, of the many, that was mentioned in our conversation became a catalyst to what the Holy Spirit wanted to speak to my heart, although I didn’t know it at the time.
Sarah shared with me that she would be taking a trip (vacation) out of the country to visit some her friends and former students in a few weeks. She was very excited about the trip, especially since it had been at least a year since she had been there. This was the place that she had lived at a point in her life and wasn’t sure when she would return. Now the Father was giving her the opportunity to go back.  As she shared details of this trip (when she  was leaving, who she was visiting, where she was staying, and how long she would be there, and so on) the Holy Spirit begin to speak to my heart: “Full Circle,” is what I heard Him say.
Normally I would have inquired more on that, but for some reason I didn’t give much attention to it. Probably because I thought it was just Him giving a synopsis of where my spiritual daughter was in her life: He will often speak to me that way. In fact, He was giving me a synopsis about Sarah, but I soon realized that He was also speaking concerning me and my life. Once I returned home the Holy Spirit began to give me a download as I began to mentally recall my day and the recent conversation that I had had with Sarah.
I was thinking different parts of the wonderful fellowship and conversation that I had with my daughter: smiling at some things, repenting at others, and realizing how much I cherished our relationship. When I began to recall to think on the details of the trip that was planned I heard the Holy Spirit say to me again, “Full Circle.” I said to the Lord, “Okay Father. I am listening.” The Holy Spirit began to bring to my remembrance the significance of Sarah and I finally getting together for dinner and the significance of the trip she had planned.
You have to understand that this was someone that I believe the Father brought us together. When I first met Sarah we instantly connected in the spirit. We both knew our new found relationship was a God thing. This was confirmed through countless events and conversations as the years have gone by.
As a matter of fact, the Lord had given me specific instructions on how Sarah and I were to relate to each other. The bond that He has given us is hard to explain. Often the things going on in her life and in mine seem parallel to each other. Not that we are doing the exact same thing, at the exact same time, all the time. I mean that there are times when what God is doing in her life is almost identical to what He’s doing in my life: whether it be building faith & trust, dealing with relationships, breaking old habits & thoughts, etc. Although there are different characters and places the principles are the same. And it seemed that this was a season that that God was bringing our lives “full circle.”All I could do was chuckle at God (He makes me laugh a lot).
Sarah and I are at a place in our lives that we are, again, at the beginning of the point. It’s as if, both spiritually and naturally, He is giving us a second chance to take another approach to the same promises that He spoke to us some time ago. I liken it to the children of Israel when they were released from the jaws of Egyptian slavery. God brought them out Egypt, through the Red Sea, and killed their enemies in the process. Yet, when they got to the doorway of the Promised Land instead of believing that God was able to give them the land that HE promised to them they chose to murmur and complain. They allowed the “giants” in the land keep them from taking what was rightfully theirs: A land promised to them by God himself.
Now I’m not saying that Sarah and I were amongst those who were murmuring and complaining. My focus is on the fact that sometimes we suffer at the hands of the lack of faith and unbelief of our brothers and sisters: Sad, but true.  All suffered, including Joshua & Caleb, because of the unbelief, murmuring and complaining of others. In spite of the giants in the land, Joshua and Caleb still believed that God was able to give them their land. It was unfortunate that they had to suffer a forty year journey along with all the non-believers and not enter the promise land until all had died: Delayed.
This is the word the Lord was speaking to my heart. He was letting me know that He has brought me “Full Circle,” back to the point of beginning. He was reassuring that the promises that He spoke to me many years ago are still yet mine. Although it seems that I have been delayed the Lord was making it clear to me that I would still see the promises AND possess them. Hallelujah!!!! 
"For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." II Corinthians 1:20

Be encouraged people of God. Many of you are waiting for the manifestation of a promise (promises) that God has spoken to you. For some of you, it has been a frustrating time and season in your life. You have not understood the delay in seeing things coming forth.  For some of you the delay has not been your fault. The delay could be because of the unbelief, murmuring and complaining spirits of others. I believe that businesses, ministries, God-ideas are held up because of those who won’t sow money that I know the Lord has told them to (out of disbelief), those who speak negative about everything and everybody (murmuring), and those who spend every waking hour working against instead of with those around them (complaining). 
Now I’m not telling you to start pointing fingers. God forbid. We have a real enemy with a daily goal to kill, steal, and destroy the followers of Jesus Christ. Whether the delay has been because of a person or otherwise, the culprit behind it all is Satan, the evil one.  Don’t be fooled and begin to focus on the wiles of the devil, but rather keep your eyes on Him.
I believe that this is a season of coming “Full Circle.” I believe that those who have put their trust in the Lord will walk in the promises that He has set before them. I believe that the forty day season of killing off old thinking, old behaviors, old relationships are coming to an end and that the Father is bringing those who have trusted, the Calebs and Joshuas, into their promised land.
I’m thankful to the Lord today that He sees my heart. I’m thankful for the “forty year” journey and all that was broken off because of it. I’m thankful that in spite of the disbelief and mishandling of faith of others that I am not negated from His promises. I’m thankful that although there was a delay that I will yet walk into the Promised Land. Hallelujah!!!
"If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land" Isaiah 1:19
My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.
Suggested reading: Numbers 14; Joshua; Hebrews 11-12; Philippians 2:13-15


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