What Do You SEE?!

It feels so good to be writing again. Often there are things that the Lord is speaking to my heart that I want to write and share. Yet, lately it’s been a battle for my time. Not only with Him, but with the things I deem dear to me: blogging. As my life is increasing in responsibility I finding the need to adjust accordingly, purposing to keep priorities straight. I don’t know about you, but I need my time with the Lord: Praying, singing, hearing him and being refreshed for the day. I must admit that I’ve been spending a little extra time in prayer the last few weeks and have had to forgo my writing time. Now I back, adjusted and ready to go. The following was written last week……hope it encourages your heart.
"Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” ~ Jeremiah 1:11

I awoke this morning singing and dancing in my spirit. I could literally see myself twirling, jumping, and leaping in the spirit. Of course I was still lying in the bed, but my spirit man was rejoicing. Some of you may be aware that my family and I are believing the Father for total healing of my youngest daughter’s, Katheryn, body. The doctors discovered a growth in her neck that’s blocking her air passage and they want to get in as soon as possible and remove it (of course). The procedure they want to do can easily turn into a very invasive surgery so my husband, my children, and a host of other believers are standing on the word of God believing that this growth will dissipate, in Jesus name.
Katheryn has been struggling with her breathing for about three months now and I had been praying and asking the Father to reveal the real cause. The doctors were saying that her shortness of breath was due to asthma, which I defied from day one. I was very familiar with the symptoms and lifestyle of asthmatics since my husband, my son, and my other daughter all live with it every day. Yet, the doctors thought they knew best and explained to me that people can develop asthma late in life. That may be true, but I was adamant about the fact that she didn’t have it. After inhalers, nebulizers, steroids, breathe analyzer test and even allergy test my child was still not able to breathe (duh...you’re treating the wrong thing).
Finally, after kind of getting in some faces, I was allowed to go to an ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) doctor. A CAT scan was ordered and the growth was revealed. The ENT called Katheryn and I into a consultation to tell us (what I was feeling in my gut throughout the whole process of testing and doctor’s visits) that surgery was inevitable. That’s a word that I didn’t want to hear. It brought back all the memories of two years prior when Katheryn had to undergo surgery for Arnold Chiari. It was a major surgery, complete with all the risks and worries, but by the grace of God, our family made it through victoriously….all praise to JESUS!!! Yet, being victorious in one surgery isn’t cause to desire another one.
Surgery is not something that I desire to experience, and I surely don’t want my daughter undergoing anything similar to that again. Yet, here we are, two years later, being given the same options that we were given before: doing nothing is not an option. We agree on that fact. However, what we didn’t agree on is what to do. They wanted to explore and examine the growth (it’s the scientific way). We want healing and wholeness without invasive surgery for our daughter (it’s the Father’s way).
Needless to say, I cried a lot that day. Thinking and praying throughout the rest of the day, asking the Father for comfort and assurance to my heart. I knew what I wanted, needed, desired for my daughter, but I was struggling to find my footing….my stance in the spirit. I was so overwhelmed by the thought of surgery….I knew I needed to refocus, and quickly. I wanted to run home to my prayer closet, my place of security and comfort, but I knew I had responsibilities and obligations that couldn’t be changed, so I continued on with the cares of the day. By the grace of God I was able to function (at least partially) and finish the tasks at hand. I am thankful, but to be honest with you, I was longing for the day to be over. I wanted to go to bed and sleep as fast my body would response. I wanted the dawning of a new day to come quickly. I wanted and needed to embrace the new mercies of a new day.
When I arrived home around 10:00 that evening I made my way to my bedroom as quickly as possible, bypassing all of my usual routines. My husband and I talked for a few minutes, through my tears, finding comfort in my husband’s words as he reaffirmed our trust in HIM. I closed my eyes in peace, the kind that passes all understanding, looking forward to receiving clarity and strategy from the Lord. I knew that the Father would make it all clear: where we were, where the enemy was, and where my HE was. That’s all I need is the ability to see, not in the natural, but in the spirit. Seeing for me is everything. It’s the way I’m wired by Him and it’s how I am able to war.
To be continued on tomorrow….
My Love Song to HIM! Dorothy C.


  1. I am praying with you and the family, Dorothy. We know that God is still in control even in surgery. Thank you Father for Katheryn's total healing in the name of Jesus! Love you guys, Vanessa B


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