He Danced With Me!
Yesterday I was working on choreography for my dance classes and some ministry opportunities that I have coming up in the near future. When I started into my two hour practice I was really struggling with ideas: I couldn’t seem to get into the music. I know the struggle was partially because I had had a very long day and there was entirely too much on my mind. Plus I was in creative overload. I had been working on a few projects the last few weeks and my mind was tired. In addition, I had not had any down time to gather my thoughts, so my brain was still flooded with the cares of life. These things are a creative person’s worse enemy. I needed to do something to relax and release. I decided to start out with some worship music rather than jump right into choreography. I put on one my old CDs from Cece Winans. It had been about three years since I had listened to that particular CD. I listened to the music and allow my mind and body to be consumed with the rhythm and words. I begin to ...