Wavelengths: Making A Glorious SOUND!

"Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart. And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God" ~ II Corinthians 3:2-5 KJV

Since my husband lost his job in 2007, I am asked often, “How are we doing?” Seems like a simple question, but I have found lately that I don’t always have a simple answer. Often times, when I hear the question, my brain instantly acts as a computer, downloading and cross referencing all the events of my life, past and present. I hesitate a moment to think of how to answer the question with honesty, without sounding as if I am whining about life. If I were to describe my life right now I would have to say that it has been a consistent flow of highs and lows, victories and seemingly defeats, mountain top and valleys. My answer to most, after internally evaluating everything, is usually, “We’re okay!”
I had not thought anything of that answer, but that it was honest. I knew all of the things that I was facing. I knew that I could either take the low road, complaining about all that is going wrong, or I could take the high road and speak of the victories in my life. Both seemed to be a bit extreme to me and I wouldn’t give a true picture of where I was….at least that’s how I felt. In the end, being “okay” seemed to be an acceptable answer to most.
However, just recently, I was explaining to a good friend about how Albert and I have been lately. I was trying to create a word picture, describing to her how the victories and struggles seem to overlap, all going on at the same time, often times not leaving time for us to wallow in defeat or enjoy a victory. Often times the Holy Spirit will give me pictures in the spirit that help me to grasp or articulate what the Lord is saying. He began to show me wavelengths. At first, I thought that He was speaking of the television airways, but He quickly corrected me. What I was seeing in the spirit was radio wavelengths.
In my mind I could see a number of wavelengths, in different colors, waving and intertwining with each other. Each one those wavelengths representing a different aspect of my life: marriage, job, children, ministry, and finances: Each wavelength having its highs and lows and all active at the same time. The Holy Spirit began to give insight as to how my life and my combination of wavelengths, made a prophetic “SOUND” that is exclusive to me. I could see in the spirit, the highs and lows, victories and defeats, as wavelengths, all mixing together to make a melodious sound that is heard in the heavenlies. I believe that “SOUND,” not only goes up before the Father, but it’s a “SOUND” that resonates in the spirit realm. Imagine that….our lives making a “SOUND.” If you can imagine that then you are envisioning a picture of life that I believe is a prophetic declaration.
As I envisioned this picture of wavelengths I could literally hear the “SOUND” in the heavenlies. I thought about my signature on all my blogs, “My Love Song to You.” That signature was taken from a song called, Love Song, by Jason Morant.  The song is about our life being a living love song to the Lord and the last chorus speaks of My life being a Love Song to HIM. I absolutely love this song….it’s so in line with the word of God.
 The scripture says, that we are LIVING EPISTLES, read of men (II Corinthians 3:2). What does that mean? It means that we are living books being written, moment by moment, for all the world to see. I believe that the life that we live everyday, the choices that we make, the things that we pursuit, SPEAK volumes: Our lives are SPEAKING either Him, of us or of the enemy. Which is it?! What is your life SPEAKING? What are others SEEING? What SOUND are they hearing?  Are others seeing JESUS or YOU? Are they hearing the SOUND of Hope or Defeat?
“The LORD is far from the wicked: but he HEARETH the prayer of the righteous” ~ Proverbs 15:29 KJV
Often times, we live as if we are in a cocoon. We live our lives as if no one can see or hear us. We think that our decision, good and bad, don’t affect anyone, but ourselves.  We are so deceived. We must learn to discern our lives in the spirit. And let me clear that I'm not speaking of anything "new agey" here. I'm simply making a point that our lives, often times, the vessels that the Father uses to draw others to Him.
Whether we like it or not, WE ARE MAKING A SOUND in the earth and in the heavens. And we can’t always control the different “wavelengths” in our lives: children, finances, etc. However, because we belong to Him we can trust that He will make our lives a Glorious Melody unto Him. If we submit our lives to Him and allow embrace His process for our lives, I believe that no matter what we face, the highs and the lows, our lives can, and will, produce a SOUND that penetrates the heavens and draws men unto HIM!
I don’t know about you, but I want my life to be a LOVE SONG to Him. My prayer is that He will continue tune and adjust us, so that our lives make a SOUND that is Glorious unto HIM, in Jesus name.
My Love SONG to HIM!!!!


  1. Dorothy,I love it! What a beautiful picture/description of how our lives make a sound for Our Father! I agree our lives should be making loving, glorious, worshipping sounds in the earth for Him! I love it! Great encouragement.
    Love and thanks!


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