
I Believe

#EncourageYourself #Series #HiTC If we are not careful we can live our lives trying to adjust to the OPINIONS of many, instead of the FACTS of One. When I first heard this song, You Say by @lauren_daigle , several years ago I was so moved — it was such a sweet reminder that the negative voices or words that plague & torment us all at times — whether from others, the enemy, or even from ourselves — pale & dissipate in comparison to what Jesus says about us. It was a beautiful reminder that the ONLY words, voices, or opinions that mattered, matters, is that of our God’s, written in the Word.  This is vision & choreo the Lord gave me for this song as I listened to it on repeat — the movements are a depiction of how what HE SAYS is our TRUTH, even in the midst of the negative voices & words that plague and torment us at times … all we need do is BELIEVE.  As you watch it, I pray that you find encouragement for your soul & spirit.    #YouSay #LaurenDai...

I am who HE says I am!

#EncourageYourself #Series #HiTC Over the years I’ve had the honor of meeting some wonderful, talented, gifted, anointed and skilled people, many of which I admire & love deeply … but I soon came to realize that no matter how much of a giant or GOAT these awesome people were in their particular field, that they all had, have, experienced moments of insecurities and doubt in their skill at some point in their career & journey. As a matter of fact, every person I know that has had major impact and success in the earth has had moments when they doubted themselves — yes, we ALL have or will go through it. But THANKS be to our God who is, and will always be right there to assure and reassure us of who we are, of who HE has called us to be, gently reminding us that we are “His workmanship”.  Listen, if you’re struggling with your worth, your value, your place, your positioning … in life, in ministry, in your career — if you’re experiencing a moment (a season) of insecurity, KNOW ...

Seasons Change ... Lean In!

#EncourageYourself #Series #HiTC  “The urgency to run was the Holy Spirit prompting a desire in me to move without fear and hesitation into the things that He had set before me. […] I believe that there is a great acceleration in the spirit that the Father is positioning and repositioning many in the body of Christ …. Open doors and opportunities are being released to the body of Christ” (excerpt from #HiddenIntheCleft) ——— SEASONS CHANGE. RESISTANCE ONLY PROLONGS THE PROCESS. LEAN IN!!   “They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”, Isaiah 40:31. Amen.   ~ My Love Song to Him!

Let It Go!!!

Well, it's the last week in September! Can you believe it?! Where did the time go?! I'm still excited about this new season. I refuse to be discouraged by circumstances, people, even sometimes, by my own missed expectations (I can be pretty hard on myself). Today, I choose to look up. I choose and purpose to keep my mind, heart, and focus on the good things that are ahead, and so should you. Life is too short to dwell on yesterday. " If it's NOT taking you toward your goal or purpose....whatever is it, was, or might become...LET IT GO and MOVE FORWARD!" My husband worked in corporate america for twenty four years. All my children and I had known was been blue suits, whites shirts, and red ties, so to speak. Four years ago all that changed. IBM, turned AT &T, let go of about 1500 people, many of which had spent their careers in IBM. My husband was one of those people. It was a difficult time for he and I and our family. We had one college studen...

On Mondays.... (re-post)

I'm re-posting this blog entry from a while back.....just thought it was apropos (at least for me ~ lol). Be BLESSED in His presence today!!! Those who are close to me know that Mondays are my MARATHON day. I start early and end late. And although I'm not a "Monday-hater" is the day that puts reality in my face: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. It's on Mondays that I'm reminded that I have deadlines, bills due, and needy children. It's on Mondays that I must look forward not back. It's on Mondays that difficult decisions are made that set the tone for the rest of the week. It's on Mondays that I'm reminded that I'm a wife, covenanted to love and respect my husband. It's on Mondays that I'm reminded that I'm a mother and grandmother, that have children who need nurturing, love and daily encouragement. It's on Mondays that I'm reminded that I am a business owner, purposing to walk in integrity in her finances a...

Saying "No" to God!

“Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, ” ~ Jonah 1:1 As a little girl I thought Jonah was a great story: The prophet of God living inside a whale for three days after being swallowed by a giant whale is an amazing story for people of any age. Jonah, of course, was more than a great children’s story. When examined a little deeper you find that it is a story of the mercy and forgiveness of loving Father: A Father who, rather than destroy a sinful and undeserving people, decided to send a message of hope and redemption. What a beautiful description and display of the Father’s love toward us. There is nothing He would not do to redeem man unto himself. He displayed this love to the greatest degree when HE sent His son, Jesus, to die for the sins of you and me. (singing) O, What love HE has for me!!! Yes, Jonah was a great story of love, but there is another side of the story that I believe we can relate to all too often: Saying “NO” to God. Jonah is one of...

Wavelengths: Making A Glorious SOUND!

"Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart. And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God" ~ II Corinthians 3:2-5 KJV Since my husband lost his job in 2007, I am asked often, “How are we doing?” Seems like a simple question, but I have found lately that I don’t always have a simple answer. Often times, when I hear the question, my brain instantly acts as a computer, downloading and cross referencing all the events of my life, past and present. I hesitate a moment to think of how to answer the question with honesty, without sounding as if I am whining about life. If I were to describe my life right now I would have to say that it...