
Showing posts from 2022

I Believe

#EncourageYourself #Series #HiTC If we are not careful we can live our lives trying to adjust to the OPINIONS of many, instead of the FACTS of One. When I first heard this song, You Say by @lauren_daigle , several years ago I was so moved — it was such a sweet reminder that the negative voices or words that plague & torment us all at times — whether from others, the enemy, or even from ourselves — pale & dissipate in comparison to what Jesus says about us. It was a beautiful reminder that the ONLY words, voices, or opinions that mattered, matters, is that of our God’s, written in the Word.  This is vision & choreo the Lord gave me for this song as I listened to it on repeat — the movements are a depiction of how what HE SAYS is our TRUTH, even in the midst of the negative voices & words that plague and torment us at times … all we need do is BELIEVE.  As you watch it, I pray that you find encouragement for your soul & spirit.    #YouSay #LaurenDai...

I am who HE says I am!

#EncourageYourself #Series #HiTC Over the years I’ve had the honor of meeting some wonderful, talented, gifted, anointed and skilled people, many of which I admire & love deeply … but I soon came to realize that no matter how much of a giant or GOAT these awesome people were in their particular field, that they all had, have, experienced moments of insecurities and doubt in their skill at some point in their career & journey. As a matter of fact, every person I know that has had major impact and success in the earth has had moments when they doubted themselves — yes, we ALL have or will go through it. But THANKS be to our God who is, and will always be right there to assure and reassure us of who we are, of who HE has called us to be, gently reminding us that we are “His workmanship”.  Listen, if you’re struggling with your worth, your value, your place, your positioning … in life, in ministry, in your career — if you’re experiencing a moment (a season) of insecurity, KNOW ...